When I started From the Road, I had a simple goal - share what works. Subscribers are saying that despite all that is new, some basic principles prevail. There are customers looking for more and there are innovative providers - someone and something for everyone. Connecting these two entities is marketing. Take your own curious look at the importance of being different, reflecting specialized government buyers in your message, the incredible value of discerning intent in the buyer journey. If you haven’t tried From the Road or missed an episode or post - cross the road and give it a try. The light in me bows to the light in you - Namaste.
In Go To Market and Product Positioning: Different or Better, we underscore the importance of positioning. Author (Start Your Startup Right) and professor, Greg Coticchia, took the time to really drive home the importance of leveraging your differentiators and articulating how they add value.
In Money & Marketing Parts 1 and 2, we got fiscal and talked about how the marketing budget reflects strategy. We suggested a simpler way to prioritize spend to not just fill the funnel but push qualified buyers through the funnel faster.
In between the two-part series, I spoke with Government Marketing guru, Lou Anne Brossman, about the opportunity to Pivot to Government. We learned that government is one of the largest consumers of IT services and is a lucrative market for growth, as long as you are speaking to the mission of government: service. It’s not too early to check out the annual government marketing event sponsored by www.gmarku.com.
In The Perfect CMO Cocktail, I explained the four qualities that I believe are necessary in making a successful Chief Marketing Officer. And, in my last post, Intent, I highlighted tools and services to help marketers discover the digital behavior of buyers with INTENT.
Next week I’ll take a look at the controversial subject of “BRAND”
What are you interested in learning more about? Post a comment below and maybe it will be a podcast episode or post.